Subtropical podzolic soils are also known as “Subtropical pseudo-podzolic soils”. They are spread in
a wide range of absolute heights (15-400m.)
M.N. Sabashvili (1936-48), R.O. Lortkipanidze (1986, 2014) release that in the late autumn-winter
and early spring months low terrace soils are in conditions of significant saturation. Observations on the
exploitation of wells and bore-holes have shown that soils permeable to water to some degree is caused due
to water stream, which in the autumn-winter period sometimes appears in the sub-humus horizon. Nodule
horizon presented according to this or that degree plays a significant role in the waterlogging of soils. It can
be assumed that the modern sharp differentiation of the profile was preceded by a period in which the
hydrological regime of soils was more favorable, and the nodule horizon was not yet formed.